by JF

As usual for this author who was purported to have been a (protestant?!) Knight of Malta, this book is full of photographs with the author posing next to many of the high-ranking figures about whom he is writing. Manhattan truly must have known quite a number of secret handshakes and what have you. In fact, on page 101 of my Chick Publications edition, the author is seen posing in a photograph next to a leader of the I.R.A. at the time, and the place is Dublin, and there is a Roman Catholic church in the background, and this Roman Catholic church has three prominent archways in its anterior, and wouldn’t you know, as coincidence would have it, both men are standing entirely inside an arch, the I.R.A. leader in the left arch, Manhattan in the middle arch; also, both men are adopting the same loin-exposing stance with hands clasped behind themselves. Sure seems masonic to me. (Have I mentioned that I once read an Avro Manhattan sci-fi short story–“The Cricket Ball”–which had a reference to the freemasonic vaunted numeral “33”? Yes, and not only that, it was “3:33” to be exact.) Manhattan did indeed belong to some or other powerful secret society[ies]).

And those powerful secret-societal ties that Avro Manhattan had, they no doubt gave him access to the extraordinary knowledge that he had; and as his books are never sourced, never footnoted, the reader is left with trusting just Manhattan himself, and the authoritative connections which he obviously did have, which is, I guess, what all the look-who-I’m-standing-with-now photographs are all about. (Who took those photos, by the way??)

I read this book after I had already read Manhattan’s THE VATICAN’S HOLOCAUST and THE VATICAN-MOSCOW-WASHINGTON ALLIANCE (as well as others by this author), and that is how I would recommend that newcomers to this information also digest it, for then the most alarming historical pattern can be seen. It is an ancient historical pattern, but when one sees it and appreciates that this pattern is still very much with us today in the modern world, then can the “welcome-to-the-Twilight-Zone” sensation fully be appreciated.

The pattern is Papal inquisitorial massacreing of entire populations of people whenever Papal Rome again (and again and again, historically speaking) feels secure enough to perpetrate its next, and next, and next genocide.

According to Manhattan, there was almost a genocide in Northern Ireland in the late ’60s/early ’70s. It was facilitated by the Labor Party Government in Britain (i.e., Fabian Socialists); it was orchestrated by the Vatican. The same Vatican that, as Manhattan details in THE VATICAN’S HOLOCAUST, carried out the modern-day genocide of the Serbians during WWII, a genocide so horrific that it even disgusted the Nazi SS. True story, by the way. Not that most people around the world would have heard about it. That’s what major media control is all about.

Western Civilization has for many years now been marinated in the propaganda that Britain was brutal and oppressive in its suppression of Irish “civil rights activists” in the late ’60s/early ’70s. Manhattan shows how this was and is all a colossal series of lies by a Vatican-controlled major media system, and that the British government actually showed an extraordinary amount of restraint. At long last, when the ruling Labor Government of Britain was replaced by the Conservative Thatcher government, says Manhattan, then the British FINALLY acted to defend its own Ulster (North Ireland) subjects; Manhattan details how nothing less than an actual GENOCIDE of the population of Ulster had been barely prevented.

Some of the older history of strife in Ireland is included by Manhattan, but he focuses mainly on the acute unrest in the late 1960s/early 1970s.

Now, Manhattan does admit–as is the central thesis of his book THE VATICAN-MOSCOW-WASHINGTON ALLIANCE–that the Vatican is the Master of exploiting both sides for its own gain, and he cites how the Vatican does have a history of betraying Ireland whenever it suits the Vatican’s purpose, so for this reader, the one question left unanswered by Manhattan was whether the Vatican had again switched sides and was actually backing Britain by the time Thatcher was suppressing the threat to Northern Ireland, and why this would have been so (i.e., what did the Vatican stand to gain?).

Poignantly, Manhattan makes it clear throughout the book how much Irish children have suffered because of the terroristic “unrest” due ultimately to Vatican intrigues; it is apparent that this particular topic of geopolitical unrest struck home with Manhattan personally. As I have stated, I have read many other Manhattan books by now. In none of those does he so consistently come back to the sad plight of the children affected as he does here.

Manhattan makes it painfully clear how much better off the nation of Ireland would have been, and would be, without the manipulative exploitations of the Vatican upon the Irish people. As bad as the Brits have historically been to Ireland, Manhattan records that the Vatican has been much worse, and certainly more insidious.

Manhattan also makes it very clear that, by the 1970s and ’80s at least, the population of Northern Ireland–Ulster–was by temperament, and I suppose geopolitically perhaps, an anachronistic throwback to a time when protestants still had discernment and a backbone, and still recognized that the PAPAL SYSTEM IS THE ANTICHRIST, EVEN AS ALL OF THE ORIGINAL PROTESTANT REFORMERS UNANIMOUSLY RECOGNIZED.

This is one helluva book, as are all of Avro Manhattan’s. But for a thinking person to TRULY understand all of the “Sunday Bloody Sunday” talk that Irish rock bands sing about and moviemakers keep making movies about, that thinking person ought to balance all of that with this. It tells quite a different story.

Published in 1988.

Rating: Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ